
158 posts tagged with "Thib" (See all Author)

This Week in Matrix 2025-03-28

28.03.2025 00:00 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Matrix Live

πŸ”—Dept of Status of Matrix 🌑️

Robin Riley ( reports

The Foundation is proud to join likeminded organisations in endorsing the United Nations Open Source Principles, a set of guidelines to promote collaboration and adoption of open source around the globe.

Robin Riley ( says

Please join me in welcoming the newest Silver Member of the Foundation: SSH Communications Security! We're grateful to SSH for stepping up to support the Foundation's mission and stewardship of the Matrix protocol.

Does your organization rely on Matrix? We're working hard to close our budget gap, and we need your help. Join the Foundation to ensure Matrix has robust stewardship well into the future.

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This Week in Matrix 2025-03-21

21.03.2025 17:00 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Matrix Live

πŸ”—Dept of Status of Matrix 🌑️

πŸ”—Trust and Safety Research and Documentation Working Group

Nico announces

As part of my work for the Trust and Safety Committee I am trying to establish a working group to help with researching and documenting the state of T&S across the ecosystem. If that sounds interesting to you, please poke your head into and tell us!

To summarize what the group is about, the current proposal looks like this:

To make appropriate decisions, the T&S committee needs to know about the state of T&S in the wider ecosystem. It needs to have insights into current challenges, solutions and initiatives. On the other hand the community can also benefit from having some of that information documented. The T&S R&D WG is a tool to help with that. It includes a wider set of individuals and reports their research results to the T&S committee. In some cases the WG is also encouraged to enhance the documentation on to help communities and users on Matrix moderate their rooms. The T&S committee might sometimes ask the WG for help in researching specific topics in more detail to guide their decisions.

πŸ”—Pledge of Confidentiality

The WG will sometimes have to deal or come in contact with confidential data, possibly because of legal reasons, possibly because of active abuse concerns. While the WG is encouraged to be open, there will be times where the WG should keep certain information confidential and only share it with specific individuals. As the WG we pledge to keep information confidential when necessary while still being transparent and open where possible. The T&S committee may decide to remove members from the WG if it sees a member abusing their access to information or not acting in a trustworthy manner by sharing information the group agreed to keep confidential. This should be a last resort, needs a majority in the T&S committee and should be preceded by appropriate communication and warnings.

πŸ”—Typical Tasks

  • Gather information about current moderation challenges on Matrix and keep structured notes about them
  • Maintain an overview of available moderation tools and their capabilities
  • Create and maintain moderation guides on in collaboration with the Website or Documentation WGs
  • Reach out to moderators to gather feedback or offer advice
  • Reports insights and opinions to the T&S committee and possibly other T&S working groups
  • Potentially collaborate on proposals with the T&S committee or other WGs
  • Turn some of their research into MSCs and collaboratively push them to completion as well as advise on other MSCs from a T&S perspective

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This Week in Matrix 2025-03-07

07.03.2025 00:00 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Matrix Live

πŸ”—Dept of Status of Matrix 🌑️

Matthew says

The Foundation is now registered with Benevity in order to receive corporate donations as part of Corporate Social Responsibility programmes. If your employer supports donations via Benevity please encourage them to route some of their donations to supporting Matrix!

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This Week in Matrix 2025-02-28

28.02.2025 19:30 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Matrix Live

πŸ”—Dept of Status of Matrix 🌑️

Very interesting news reported today

You find there the document "Cyber Blueprint - Proposal Council Recommendation" for download that contains on page 17 a recommendation to use the matrix call for inter-gov communication on cyber topics.

In the next step, The European Council must discuss and then possibly adopt this proposal.

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This Week in Matrix 2025-02-21

21.02.2025 16:20 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Matrix Live

πŸ”—Dept of Status of Matrix 🌑️

Thib ( reports

The Foundation is at a crossroads. We need to raise an additional $610K to break-even, and more immediately to raise $100K to keep our bridges running.

As a neutral custodian for the specification and much more, the Foundation is key to the success of Matrix. It is time to step up for it.

Read the full post on our blog

πŸ”—Dept of Governance βš–οΈ

Gwmngilfen reports

πŸ”—Announcing the Governing Board Working Groups process

The Governing Board has news! If you have been itching to know how to get involved, we are now ready to get you ... on-Board! πŸ₯ πŸ˜€

The Working Groups are the beating heart of the GB - they get the work done. So naturally people have been asking "how do we make one?" and "what is expected of a Working Group?"

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We're at a crossroads

20.02.2025 14:30 β€” General β€” Thib

After a successful 2024 with a lot to be proud of, and a Matrix Conference that brought our community together to celebrate 10 years of Matrix, we step into 2025 with a light budget and a mighty team poised to make the most of it!

Our priorities remain to make Matrix a safer network, keep growing the ecosystem, make the most of our Governing Board, and drive a fruitful and friendly collaboration across all actors.

However, whether we will manage to get there is not fully a given.

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FOSDEM 2025 Wrap Up

13.02.2025 12:00 β€” FOSDEM β€” Thib

The Foundation and its growing community were once again present at the biggest OSS conference in Europe, and it's been a tremendous success! It was an opportunity for us to gather, share ideas and debate about ongoing topics, meet the broader FOSS community and present our work.

πŸ”—Fringe Event

With 8000 visitors, FOSDEM is primarily a place to share your work with others and present the latest developments to those interested. But it's not necessarily the best venue for conversations within the community about topics that are still in-flight.

Because so many people are doing the trip to gather in a single city, it remains a good opportunity to gather your own community in a more intimate setting. This is precisely what Fringe Events happening before or after FOSDEM are about.

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This Week in Matrix 2025-02-03

03.02.2025 15:30 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Dept of Status of Matrix 🌑️

Thib ( announces

FOSDEM was a huge success for the Foundation and community this year again!

Shout out to Workadventure, Nordeck and Famedly who sponsored the Fringe Event and kept us refreshed and fed. And a huge thanks to everybody who showed up at the booth either to staff it or to say a kind word, bring constructive criticism, or have a casual conversation.

A more detailed wrap up post will be published this week. In the meantime, I’m leaving FOSDEM with a sense that we are doing the right thing, going in the right direction, and that people notice. I'm looking forward to meeting you all again, as well as those who couldn't make it to FOSDEM!

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This Week in Matrix 2025-01-27

27.01.2025 00:00 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

This week we tried publishing TWIM on a Monday, but people seem to enjoy reading their Matrix news during the weekend. We will get back to publishing TWIM on Fridays!

πŸ”—Matrix Live

πŸ”—Dept of Spec πŸ“œ

Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} says

Here's your weekly spec update! The heart of Matrix is the specification - and this is modified by Matrix Spec Change (MSC) proposals. Learn more about how the process works at

πŸ”—MSC Status

New MSCs:

MSCs in Proposed Final Comment Period:

MSCs in Final Comment Period:

Accepted MSCs:

Closed MSCs:

πŸ”—Spec Updates

Quite a flurry of activity in spec-land this week, as you can see from the above! MSC4133: Extending User Profile API with Key:Value Pairs moved into final comment period. While it still has one outstanding concern as of today, hopefully that can be worked out in the near future.

We also had a newly accepted MSC; MSC4213: Remove server_name parameter from join and knock endpoints. A small change, but a nice clean up to the spec.

Once again, thanks to everyone who's involved, and those that are only just getting started! The more the merrier.

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This Week in Matrix 2025-01-03

03.01.2025 00:00 β€” This Week in Matrix β€” Thib

πŸ”—Dept of Status of Matrix 🌑️

Matthew reports

The 2024 Matrix Holiday Special:

πŸ”—Dept of Clients πŸ“±

πŸ”—SchildiChat (website)

SchildiChat is a fork of Element for Android and Desktop, that used to focus on UI changes such as message bubbles and a unified chat list, but now also provides some additional tweaks and community-driven features that may not be on the roadmap for the upstream clients.

SpiritCroc says

Over the holidays, I added two new (old) features to SchildiChat Next (our Element X Android fork) that I've been missing since switching to the new codebase.

First, inline images and custom emotes are now rendered again, so you don't miss out when users on other clients or certain bridges send these. If you prefer not having images rendered in text message, you can also disable them via a setting, in order to render the fallback text instead - rather than not rendering anything at all as done previously.

Second, I added back the functionality to fetch and render previews for links found in text messages, so you have a better idea what to expect before clicking them. For now, this is an experimental setting, so remember to enable it first if you want to try it out once it lands in the next release.

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